include ("../include/variabili.php");
include ("../include/funzioni.php");
Case Vacanze Calabria
case vacanze calabria sud est
include ("../include/menu-2007-calabria-ita.php"); ?>
$s_nome_read="Sud Est";
include ("../include/struttura-2008-case.php");
//************************ PAGINAZIONE **********************************
# this will set up the "First | Prev | " part of our navigation.
if ( $pagina == 1 ) {
# if we are on the first page then "First" and "Prev"
# should not be links.
$navigation = " ";
} else {
# we are not on page one so "First" and "Prev" can
# be links
$prev_page = $pagina - 1;
$navigation = " ";
# this part will set up the rest of our navigation "Next | Last"
if ( $pagina == $total_pages ) {
# we are on the last page so "Next" and "Last"
# should not be links
$navigation .= "";
} else {
# we are not on the last page so "Next" and "Last"
# can be links
$next_page = $pagina + 1;
$navigation .= "";
//************************ PAGINAZIONE **********************************
if ($total_pages>=2){